Market Vision - Cabinet d'études et de conseils marketing - Lyon - Villeurbanne - Market Vision
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market vision

marketing and research consultancy, specialised in decision-making processes


We enthusiastically seek solutions to solve puzzling consumer behaviours and to find patterns behind their decisions.


We enrich and answer our clients’ briefs based on our experience their industry, and we deliver clear, fresh, explanatory insights.


Our methodological approach is tailor-made, combining qual and quant, digital and physical, in order to answer our clients’ particular needs and questions. We conduct projects both in France and worldwide.


We are continually innovating our beyond-declarative methods, to get as close as possible to the realities of consumers’ lives. We were pioneers in the field of ethnography and we are at the cutting edge of implicit research and emotional exploration.

Our Expertise

Since 2004, we have worked unceasingly on the development of new qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure we are as close as possible to real beyond- declarative consumer experiences.

Market Vision is registered for French Research Tax Credit (CIR).

Sensory and emotional analysis – IEMOSENS method
The emotional imprint of a brand or category and the link between emotions and sensory evaluation
Implicit research, indirect measures and TRACE DECISION methods
Online studies to measure the emotional component of decisions
Exploratory ethnographic studies
Comprehension studies deepened by confronting the declarative with usage
Innovation processes
Creativity, workshops, co-creation with R&D and marketing team
Concept Testing
Qual/Quant evaluation of concepts
Prototype Testing
Qual/Quant evaluation of prototypes
Usage and Attitude Studies
Qual & quant measurement of usages, consumer habits and of attitudes
BtoC and BtoB segmentation
Qual & quant segmentation of BtoC or BtoB clientele and customers base scoring


Provide clear, explanatory insights

We provide clear, dynamic answers to our clients, so that they have sound information on which to base their decisions.

Build long-term client relationships

We see the relationships we build with our clients as long-term partnerships. As we are knowledgeable about the specificities of their sector of activity, we can provide constructive help for their marketing strategies.

Seek new, beyond-declarative methods

We are continually striving to improve our methods and to innovate in the field of beyond-declarative studies. We are particularly interested in methods that advance our understanding of the emotional component of consumer behaviours.


The Market Vision Team


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